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This website's purpose is to concisely and elegantly depict all that's within my thoughts and illuminate other fellow wanderer's minds, whose lust of curiosity has made them question things, a wee bit deeper and disregarding the current structure in which we, as of now contain them.

I am Abhay Saini, the creator of this website. I was born on January 3rd, 1992 in the small town of Rohtak in Haryana. My Parents are both Doctors (Retired Now).

I am an Engineer and an MBA by education, a Data Scientist by profession and in my spare time, an avid reader of books and player of video games.

My fields of interests are wide, ranging from High Fantasy (Tolkiensesque) to Obscure Esoterica (Theosophy, Ancient Astronauts, Ancient History etc) to Science Fiction (1950s books to Modern Games).

I play Badminton trek moderate trails as my fill for physical extertion. I prefer friendships with quiet, humble, imaginative and energetic folks.

In my personal habits, Iam quite eccentric but respect the other person's needs and privacies. (be it sharing living space or working space).

I hope everyone will enjoy a visit to my website, and widen their scope of thinking, through my wanderings into the land of imagination.


Sup, Fellow Inquisitive Mortal

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