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Ancient Views on Women


Women historically have been subdued and reduced to homebound tasks which, evolutionarily speaking have made them physically weaker, less dominant and resourceful. Thus, when we come to the point in history where so-called "high cultures" and "sophisticated civilizations" came into existence, mandates proclaiming the supposed inferiority of women were loudly proclaimed and their authenticity being divinely inspired. And this millennia-long enslavement is the root cause of the modern feminist movement. To basically bridge the gap and make women "equal" to men.


Normal Distribution Gaps for Women & Men


In the modern enlightened world, after approximately 50-60 years of "equality" (assuming the 1960s Cultural Revolution of USA as the modern turning-point), we regularly see a few patterns in the statistical distributions of gender over job choices, lifestyle choices, family needs etc.

a) Men usually come in the end skews (extremely high and low) while women concentrate in the middle.

b) Men prefer jobs with less socialization and more risk while women prefer the opposite. Men also dominate in boring & risky jobs.

One explanation for this is that men have a stronger fear of ridicule and mediocrity than women. Another can be that men prefer volatility over stability, vice versa for women.

These patterns are definitely pointing to gaps between genders that are hard to bridge by simply giving reservations, unfair advantages and favourable laws.


Women's Rights or Law & Order?


Another contentious issue with feminism and progressive revolutionaries is eve-teasing, sexual assault & domestic abuse. These are grouped together because they come under "legal" issues. Women conflate patriarchy and lack of women's rights with the assaults they suffer on the streets. This is dishonest in my opinion because corruption, cultural baggage in the law & order machinery are the real reasons why women are abused. Men also suffer assaults, (sometimes rape) and mental agony too because of weird laws & corrupt machinery. And I do agree that old school, conservative policemen distort the laws, then laws are required to punish them and not pamper women by creating extremely unfair laws.


Gender Pay Gap

Giving financial independence to women is a very ethical standpoint that is not only favourable by ethics but also for mental peace and sanity amongst the populace because it prevents abuse. However, the modern harping on the pay gap despite the efforts in promoting women employment, the normalcy of women in jobs & continuous audits on companies for female equality, borders on dishonesty.

Pay Gap still exists because of the choices of jobs,  single-minded devotion to work & the normal distribution of men present in fringes rather than any conscious discrimination. Rather than female discrimination, social outcasting of reserved, introverted and "different" individuals is more of a pandemic. And unbalanced laws will create a harder environment for male corporates thereby plunging them into depression & creating a non-meritorious attitude inside firms.

The real solution to this is to encourage women to compete harder and being more active in their young age than men so that if at all they want to pursue motherhood later, they can compensate for that in their youth.


Is everyone "Equal"?


Gay Rights, Slutwalk, Islamophobia

Evolutionary Means of Improvement

Do certain communities deserve "extra" rights?

My Ideal Society

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