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The Lore of "Legacy of the Ancients" Novels

                                                                                       The Cosmic Beginnings [Satya Yuga] aka the Galactic Overview


The Cosmos are what ever was, is and ever will be. It's one of the greatest unexplained mysteries today, closely followed by the our purpose in life. Our understanding of the Cosmos is meagre at best. Whosoever was responsible for its creation, must be something or someone that is beyond human imagination. Despite that humbling realization, the undying spark of curiosity won't let us rest until we have known it all. And, to that end, there have been many attempts to map the cosmos, not only by modern scientists, astronomers and pilots, but also by ancient philosophers, astrologers and prophets. Whenever someone has decided to map the ends of the earth, they are first confronted with the enormity of the task. Imagine then, the task that confronted the people who actually mapped different planes of existence and the relics of the vast emptiness. 

In the current times, our knowledge of the cosmos is very limited. We have only extensively mapped the crust of our planet and sent a few satellites over to different areas of outer space. Landed only on the moon, and seen the rest of the planets only via images transmitted by the satellites. Whereas, in the upcoming chapters, when the legacy of the ancients will be slowly revealed, one will be utterly and completely humbled. Even the majority of the extensive knowledge collected by various cabals of cosmic enthusiasts was lost, some of it survived in bits and pieces. Those were soon taken over by the ancient scholars who penned the essence of those tidbits in their own words and gave us the result that we have today.


Our place in the cosmos is marked by an invisible and seamless boundary, called the Universe. Universe defines our reality, the fundamental concepts of time, space, matter and energies. Contrary to the popular opinion, Universe is a finite entity, floating within an older, bigger entity. Our Universe is one of the various "Realmspaces" that floats within the Cosmic Vacuum. Nothing is known about this dark, Cosmic Vacuum except that basic laws of nature don't operate there, like they do in our world. It "births" universes in a pre-defined cycle, and extinguishes them after their time is up. What exactly is the purpose of this cosmic dance, is unknown.


The Universe "expands" throughout its lifecycle, with something called the "Dark Energy". The Amount of dark energy injected into the universal "cosmic egg" is constant, which portends a fixed time of its death as well. However, what's not fixed, is the amount of "pure energy" that pulsates within the universe, creating material objects that we can comprehend through our senses. That's the root cause of the unpredictability within our universe. 


Universe itself is not a continuous "ether" like "area" that can be traversed in a single go (assuming one has the travel conveyances). It is divided into two major "parts" which differ in their nature of the realities they portend. The first one, is the "normal" reality or the "Vaikalpic Continuum". This reality is all we as a race, have ever known. Not only us, but even the gods have only lived in this "reality" where the laws of nature are similar. Mayawi Continuum, the "other reality" is an alien, inexorably strange reality of deception and fluid matter, that operates on an entirely different set of rules. Imagining that reality is out of the scope of even the grandest of living beings in this reality, though a faint similarity can be seen in some other lesser "dimensions". 


The universe came into existence with a big bang. This primeval explosion, created stars, planets, comets, nebulae, and other wondrous things of nature. that have ever existed. Aside from matter and energy, the fundamentals of reality, time, dimension, astral projection, forces etc also materialized after this explosion. However, initially most of the matter and stored potential energy was not in the form of celestial objects but compressed clusters, which floated in the void, noiselessly.


In the beginning, there was nothing in the universe except for those compressed clusters. ​Before our world was born there was a black, misty void that encircled all. Ethereal, empty blackness with empty space. Yugas passed without any activity. Some-time, in this timeless age, there occurred several massive explosions.  Called the "Chain of Creation", due to this set of synaptic explosions, the compressed clusters broke to form Stars, which clustered amongst themselves to create thousands of galaxies. Comets travelled from galaxy to galaxy, carrying wondrous sediment and matter. And, deep down in one of these galaxies, was our story set, the "Akash Ganga". Inside it, there were millions of major stars, but at the centre of it all was a super-massive black hole called "Krishna Vivar" or "Galactic Centre".


Across the black hole, revolved several super-stars or "Antar-tarae". One of these super-stars called "Dhruvketu" was the home to our universe. Around it revolved several thousand solar systems. One of them was called the "Arionus System", which had its centre as the star "Arion". It’s here, that our universe was created. Life originated from the star Arionus, the source of all. The Star was initially a bright globe of golden-purplish energy, glowing furiously and emitting heat and light all around itself. Around the star, globes of matter began to condense and take shape, these were called “Planets”. On the planets, life began to form, slowly evolving from single-celled organisms to fish and reptiles. 


This Arionus System is increasingly getting farther away from the Super Star in a cycle, known as the "Madrika Cycle". In it, it takes 127 revolutions, continuously increasing its distance from the centre, and then takes 83 revolutions, getting back. At the time, our story begins, this System is in the 25th Revolution, directionally going away. Its time of revolution at the start of our story's universe is 25,000 years.


In its revolutions, the Arionus system passed near a vortex of cosmic energies and gases called the "Cosmic Sea" or the "Superlative Nova". The Cosmic Sea was an uncertain mix of gases & forces and could alter realities, time-space, and entropy to extremely weird values. The Cosmic Sea's interaction with the revolving Solar System gave birth to the Cosmic Races. Nobody knows what happened in the time before the birth of the first Cosmic Races, some speculate that it could have been a dormancy of the cosmic sea or a protective shield around the Arionus system that protected it, but nothing concrete is known as to what happened before the First Event or the First Singularity in the beginning. This First Singularity is usually taken as one of the reference points of measuring ages, with the first one specifically known as FE.



                                                                                        The Inception of Life


​Time is eternal, yet there was a beginning of the first life forms. In the 25,000 years that followed until the Second Major interaction with the Cosmic Sea,  the first sparks of energy began to circulate in our galaxy & The First of the Cosmic Races (Forerunners and Aliens) was formed. The living force that engulfed the star in its primeval form slowly pulsated through to the different planets nearby. On its own Life is nothing but organic and inorganic matter, that pulsates and moves on its own, without following some rigid law of energy. Sentience is consciousness, the ability to question things. The Living Force that permeated Arionus, began to seep into the 9 planets that surrounded the star. It is through some wondrous mixture of the living pulse and the raw sediment, that the Cosmic Races, earliest known sentient beings, came to be.


The Cosmic Races were not a single, monolithic section of extra-dimensional creatures. They were completely unrelated and separate beings, who originated from different places. The very first of these were the “Forerunners”.


Forerunners, as the name suggests, were the first harbingers of civilization in the solar system as we know it. It is rumoured that they originated out of the star Arion that centres the Solar System and are literally made of the cosmic “stardust” Forerunners expanded outwards on the 12 planets as soon as they could master spaceflight. Irradiated and completely monocolored, these beings were of unknown shapes and could master the reality of this space using their advanced psionic and scientific techniques.  These ancient plasmodic beings looked like living plasma with infinite energy and had different, strongly marked personalities. They created vast colonies on 5 of the 9 planets of this system as well as a “Cold Spot” in the outreaches of the star “Arion” and populated the planets nearby, moving from the star. In some of the planets, they created life based on the climate and the right gaseous levels, while in some of the planets they created sanctuaries. Although their origins were from the heart of the star, they evolved to not being able to bear the extreme heat.  Their intent and sentience/life mechanics were completely unknown. However, one of their ancient artefacts is remembered in the older books, called "They had special devices called “Curvatures” which enhanced the sunlight that fell over the planets to provide flora and fauna" to conquer the planets which were beyond the reach of strong sunlight. 


The second of these races were the “Aliens”, a dormant, cold, and sadistic race possessing a cruel intelligence race. Aliens developed out of Dark Substance (Matter and Energy) that swirled out of the cosmic explosion that caused the birth of the star Orion and the Void. They expanded inwards to the star. Aliens came from the Void, a small Black Hole at the edge of the 12th Planet. Both consolidated their strangleholds over their respective planets (1-5) vs (10-6) and then fought near the asteroid belt. A lethal belt of dark matter, asteroids, and energy separated this Cluster from the outlying planets. They were hardy and tough, ancient and evil, and could easily survive on asteroids.


Aliens became the sworn enemies of the Forerunners after Forerunners were betrayed by the Alien hives in battle with celestial disturbances. Sinewy, distorted, and malicious, Aliens symbolized “Survival, Betrayal, and Tyranny”. Having fought and lost, they were pushed back to the colder planets by the Dominant Forerunners. Aliens sustained themselves on the little resources that grew in the outlying planets and some of their hives were even found on the asteroid belts.


All this happened in ~ 7,000 years, when came the Precursors (mystical harbingers of life) and Parasites. Third of the cosmic magicians was an enigmatic race known as simply the “Precursors”. This race was thought to be non-native to the Orion cluster, having originated in a different galaxy altogether, sometimes attributed as the "Klumnix Galaxy".. Multi-coloured and Multi-Dimensional, these beings had wildly varying shapes and glowing's that signified different emotions. According to the Forbidden Archive, Precursors were not native to the Orion System. They came to the Orion cluster on their ancient starships, known to the commoners as “Comets”. They were fleeing some devastating terror but it’s unclear as to the nature of this terror.


Fourth of the swimmers of the Cosmic oceans were the Parasites, a race thought to have a large, animalistic intelligence, devouring everything in their path and creating parasitic creations through their excreta. These were the most terrifying of all in terms of their destructive capacity. Some sources say that the Parasites were always here, while some say that the Parasites were the “terror” that followed the Precursors in their wormholes. Nobody knows the origins of this terrifying race precisely. Some sources say, that Parasites, being a race of devourers, originated from a predatory cluster of planets surrounding the star where Precursors dwelt, following the Precursors fleeing black hole devastation of their home planet, through a twisted version of wormholes. Parasites devoured worlds one after the other. The Orion cluster was supposedly influenced by Quasars, which had neutron stars in between than normal stars. Quasars had neutron stars in between them which had a distinct type of "third" energy different from a Star and the Void.


Precursors landed in the boundary planets of the Forerunner Lakseka (the protective boundary, while the Parasites landed in the Alien realm. It is speculated that somewhere in those lost ages, Forerunners and Precursors, initially suspicious bonded with each other while the aliens fought with parasites and eventually enslaved them using their mysterious techniques. Precursors saw the threat of Parasites mixed with Aliens and began helping Forerunners to fend off the attacks of Aliens and the long dormant species of these planets, also colonized by Aliens. Consolidated, both factions began fighting even more fiercely now. Originally, what were border skirmishes near the 5th and 6th planets, now expanded into full-scale war? The major points of contention were three-fold primarily: -


                                                              1. Refined Energy Sources [Beings, Mines, Essence Pools, etc]

                                                              2. Canceling Opposite Energy Sources and Stealing the Essence of the Star/Void

                                                              3. Expansion of Territory


The battles were technologically advanced and brutal, with both sides committing many atrocities on each other. Entire continents and space chunks were laid waste by the brutal firepower and cosmic weaponry.


Lastly, the most mysterious of them all, and the most “alien” of the 5 cosmic races were the “Greys”. Grey-skinned, humanoid-shaped, and having distinctive eyes, Greys were thought to be non-native to this entire galaxy & the most enigmatic race of all. At least Precursors and Parasites were from a different star system within the galaxy, Greys came from an entirely different reality (dimension) altogether. No one is sure how they actually introduced themselves into the Orion system, but legends abound. One of them says that a cataclysmic cosmic event happens every several thousand years, and strange realities, beings, and magics leak into our world. Greys were one of the earliest leaks of that event, and they ensured that the events from then on, caused fewer leaks. These beings represented the “Uncertainty” and the “Curiosity” into a world of predictable goodness and evil. The Arrival of the Greys caused several natural cataclysms, initial misunderstandings but eventual acclimatization. However, the mixing caused a deterioration in the lifespans of the ancients (cosmicians).


However, the official records say that At the end of the 25,000 years (around 23,349 FE)  came "The Greys" and these were entirely carbon-based. Their origin was supposed to be extremely bright "Magnetars" which exploded once every 250,000 years. Their energy source was based in the "Blazar Stars" which had quite a diverse array of radiations and energies apart from a powerful electromagnetic field. They had a special relationship with the Cosmic Sea in the sense that they weren't affected by the reality distorting forces and warp of the Sea. Although the Pulsar Explosion (which destroyed the fabric of reality and allowed interdimensional beings to travel through their mysterious wormholes into this world) happened every 250,000 years, this time it was supercharged with the power of the Cosmic Sea and sent the Greys flying to Arionus System.

Before the intervention of Greys, the Cosmic Races bred asexually rather than sexually and weren't able to pierce the "Veil", a shroud that hid the other dimension from view.


The Other Dimension was home to Chaos Gods, who housed themselves in the Star Arion and thirsted for life in this dimension. After a few thousand years, somewhere deep in the Lost Ages, Grey's technology also introduced the way of normal beings to cross over to the 'other side. (More about this later). They also introduced breeding into the asexual world and thus caused great disruption which paved the way for the creation of the Root Races.


The chapter ends here, unfortunately, however, the story doesn’t end. It is said that the Cosmic Ancestors gave birth to the beings that are today christened as Gods and Devils, of us mortals. They, however, were not the only spawn of the mysterious Cosmicians. When the Ancients mated, apart from tremendous energy, Gods and Devils, along came a few “aberrations' ' whose secrets lay buried in the deepest recesses of time. Fringe cults and obscure non-humanoid races still worship some of these aberrations to date. The mixing of the blood of the elders caused synergies that even the most intelligent sages of the Cosmicians hadn’t dreamt of. Nobody knows the exact count of the offspring of the Cosmicians but, the paternity of several of the Root Races are known.

Just before the 2nd Revolution near the cosmic sea, frantic reproduction happened amongst the Cosmic races because of the Grey disruption and produced the following:-


                              1. Forerunners - Precursors:- Gods (Secondborn; The Holy Ones )                                                        God-God;- Lesser Gods [Vagina]; Essence [Anal] 

                              2. Forerunners - Forerunners:- Demigods                                                                                                 Devil-Devil:- Lesser Devils [Vaginal]; Essence [Anal]

                              3. Precursors - Precursors:- Celestials                                                                                                        God's Sweat/Blood/Semen Interaction with Heaven's substance:- Demigod/Celestial

                              4. Aliens - Aliens:- Devils (Secondborn; The Unholy Ones)                                                                      Similarly for Devils, Hell and Fiends/Demons.

                              5. Aliens - Parasites:- Demons

                              6. Aliens - Greys:- Fiends

                              7. Greys - Forerunners:- Primordials (Firstborn; The Innovators)

                              8. Precursors - Greys:- Forgotten Ones (Yugoloths) (Thirdborn; The Manipulators)

                              9. Greys - Parasites:- Old Ones (Penumbrians) (Firstborn; The Destructors)

                            10. Greys:- Descendants:- Grandilons 


The so-called "Root Races" also started developing and maturing, all the while helping out their ancestors in the divine wars. But they remained infantile until the advent of the second age.

The Grey incursion accelerated the weaponization, chaos, and aggressiveness amongst the Cosmicians, and shortened the natural lifespan of the older races. Greys also inadvertently tore the veil to the different dimensions which prompted the Chaos Gods (the mighty interdimensional rulers) to send forth their legions. This further exacerbated the situation for the Cosmic Races. Now, not only they had to deal with their opposing factions, the infantile Root Races but also the legions of the Chaos Gods. Soon, the next revolution came to a close and the Arionus System came into contact with the enigmatic Cosmic Sea. At this time, a brutal war going on (the greatest so far), and the Cosmic Sea's influence heightened the intensity of the weapons and transmitted many alien rays into the system, which put the final nail in the coffin of the Arionus system.

A Massive Cataclysm, (called the Doomsday Event" or The First Cataclysm) destroyed the world as the Cosmicians knew it. The 3 outer planets of the Inner Ring were eradicated as well as the inner 3 of the Outer Scopes. The outlying planets were virtually glazed of life, but the middle 2 (before the Lakshekha Line) were shielded by remnant Greys technology. Greys erected 7 towers, powered by 7 (later 14) ancient cosmic cubes (crystals) which used the sun's power to erect a shield over the atmosphere of the 2 bigger, remaining planets to shield them from further ravages. The two planets were also pushed in their orbits to a different location which was a bit farther from the sun and hence more conducive to life.


Lastly, they seeded the planets with dormant life essence, which was literally planting the seeds of humanity (although humanity came much later). The Root Races were also protected by the Greys, the effort which reduced the Greys, (while other races got almost completely destroyed, except for some stragglers in form of fossils) to a weak race. The new races (offspring of the Cosmicians), the Root Races began the new era, the Time of the Gods. Forerunners went to hibernation and the Precursors became extinct. The few remaining stragglers stayed dormant inside the Sun and the Void during the cataclysm. Greys created a sanctuary called "Zon" a moon of Earth, the first planet and their descandants created a haven there.


                                                                                                                                                    The Fundamentals Building Blocks


The Cosmic Races were made of the fundamental building blocks of the Universe. These were Starlight( Solar Energy), Void Energy (Black Light), Neutron Energy (Spacetime Alteration, originating from Pulsars), Matter (Most common mundane objects in the universe, found everywhere), Anti-Matter (matter with opposite charge, originates from the Fade) and Cosmic Water (Mysterious liquid found in the Cosmic Sea, known to be present in this dimension only). 

Vibration of molecules was supposed to be higher for higher Tier Beings, which also meant that they were at higher energy. Reasonance of molecules was instrumental in ascension of lower tier beings to the higher verfsions of themselves and sometimes even upgrade a tier (very rare).  










Ascension essentially means concetrating your qi-energy as well as focus, mediating on it and elevating your consciousness toa higher level. There are three levels of ascension for denizens of Earth and the Arionus System.  

First Level aka the Luminescence or seeing the Light. 

In this level, the person is able to think clearly, is not weighed down by regrets, can predict trivial amount of future, channel the qi energy to move objects, live much longer (~100-120 years extra than the fittest individual). A total of 19 grades in this level.

Second Level aka the Awakening or Realizing your Soul

In this level, the person is able to connect telepathically, understand the whys of personal fate, achieve partial intellectual bliss, command more complex actions like conjuring far via qi, live to at least 250% longer than ordinary mortals of his/her race and upto 1,000% longer and give guidance on achieving contentment to mortals. A total of 27 grades in this level.

Third Level aka the Transcndence or Attaining Nirvana.

You can choose to break away from cycle of rebirth, attain complete intellectual bliss, rival greater magicians and sorcerers in terms of magical power using only Qi, live upto 2,500% to 5,000% longer than the original lifespans, predict future uptil several days, influence others via telepathy, understand the cosmic happenings a little, give guidance on entire life to mortals and astrally project one's soul into different planes/space/dimensions. Some masters even are able to reach Underworld and minor planes. Some of the ancients knew how to travel to different planes without leaving the body or entering into a different dimension after ascension. and sometimes with pure magic.


According to that book (the one hinted towards in the beginning), The existential reality around us is divided into the following 8 parts

1. Matter :- The Solid-Liquid form of what we can touch. It forms the fundamental building block of existence in many planes and takes a backseat in many others. It is even in absent in some cerebral ones. It acquires volume and has weight.

2. Time :- The Dimension of Age. Which takes most living creatures into their endless cycles of birth and death. One of the more, obscure components, Time is the entropic reality. It always goes in a particular direction. There have been sages who have understood Time's deepest secrets, but most of the planes and their denizens fall under the watchful eye of Time.

3. Space :- The nothingness or the places where we can put matter. It is the omnipresent dimension of our life, most cannot imagine the lack of space in the fabric of reality. They cannot comprehend if we remove space, will there be anything left?
4. Dark-Matter:- Occupies space and has mass but cannot be seen. Has much greater weight and obscure mysteries associated with it than the planes made of normal matter have.

5. Anti-Matter:-  If brought in proximity with matter, explodes into a violent explosion. Heaven/Hell are made with this stuff coated in some strange gases.

6. Life Quintessence:- The substance of life, it is an invisible, massless glue sticking in the universe wherever life abounds. It mixes with energy and matter to produce the fabric of life. By itself is not sentient. But it can make matter with the right amount of energy, to life force.

7.  Frequency :- The vibration level of each entity. Whatever exists has a frequency with which it is vibrating. It gives a sense of reality to events. When you say that i am eating food right now at the table, you are part of an event but you can only realize that if your mental faculties vibrate at the frequency set in the space-time continuum of the particular era you are living in. Else you will not realize that you are happening, you will just do your job and die, not think that you were there. If your physical vibration is different, you will be invisible. In general, higher vibration meakes for higher beings. Reasonating at the same frequency as some other person (physically or mentally) means you can empathize/understand and influence them better. Magic is also influenced by frequency.

8. Energy :- The very opposite of matter or let's say a very open and free form of matter. Matter is energy condensed into a very high density. It is the fuel of the events of the cosmos. Without energy, there will only be dead weight but not self-perpetuating worlds like we have now suspended in the cosmos.


As an illustration, Our worlds are suspended in the emptiness called Space. They are made up of matter. They have sentient beings living on them (and sometimes, the land itself is sentient) which have ether in them. We also have powerful netherworlds in our space which can swallow entire planets of existence. They are dark-matter. Our world has a set of events :- Frequency at which the worlds vibrate. Other dimensions have different events/realities, based on the vibrational magnitude/frequency of them. According to the reality someone is in, time goes forward or backward or stays still. Higher Tier beings can manipulate time. Dark Dimension portals can be accessed via twisted wormholes, magical anamolies and even physical transfer (though its seemingly impossible for Tier III and below). Presence Life Quintessence determines according to the habitat of the world, will life be ever prevalent there or not. 


Then there is the Dark Dimension. The area beyond our universe is the Dark Dimension. It's not something "over there" as it can be reached via pockets of magical anamolies within the universe itself. More accurately, it can be thought of as the vaccum where the air resides. Its completely invisible to the naked eye and even powerful magicians are unaware of it. Tier VI civilizations are known to hold the Dark Dimension in great apprehension and struggle against it constantly to protect our universe from it. Its not to be mistaken for the "Parallel Dimension" aka the fade which is still within the universe. Parallel Dimension is hidden within the "holes" of the fabric of space/existence while Dark Dimension exists separately from it. The Rules of Science are all different in the dark dimension. It contains "Alive Dark Matter" while this universe contains "Inert Dark Matter". Dark Energy is the equivalent of normal energy in the Dark Dimension. It is responsible for accelerating the expansion of the universe and the leak of the gases responsible for maintaining life/energy. The Tier VI counteract this via their mysterious ways.


Fate/Uncertainty into this solid world was brought in by two fundamental elements, the mysterious Cosmic Rays of the mighty Magnetars as well as the rare, enigmatic Cosmic Water. Into this world, it was primarily brought in by Greys and the periodic circulation of the Arionus System. Before the Greys, the world was mostly predictable as the molecular integrity of the Cosmic Races was stable. On top of that, the electrons path was relatively stable and thus could be predicted at the current time. Deterministic Chaos was still there in the system but much weaker and uncontrolled. Greys brought in uncertainty to heighten this sensation and allowed their descendants to channel it's general direction feebly. Due to the Greys, intelligent beings started becoming more unpredictable. Greys established "fonts" of Randomness, situated in "limb" aka the transitional world between Fade and this dimension, which secreted randomness out into the world. Cosmic Races were not affected much but the consequent spawns were intrisnically entangled with the randomization. The Gods developed "Tablets of Fate", Devils the "Strands of Destiny", Primoridals the "Tapestry of Providence" etc from the Fonts of Randomness and injected that into their followers.


                                                                                         The Time of the Gods [Treta Yuga]


The Creation of the Root Races heralded the dawning of a new age, The Age of Hexcvinsh. This Age saw the Gods and Devils breaking out of the hegemony of their Cosmic Ancestors and creating their own nebulae clusters, Saturn rings around the planets. Later, the most prominent of these gas cloud realms joined and came to be known as the Seven Heavens as well the Burning Hells. It was in these realms that most of the Divinities dwelt.


This era was 35,000 years old, longer than the previous era, and started with the ascent of the Divine deities, of both Heaven & Hell. Out of the remnants of the 6 destroyed planets, were formed the 5 major planetoids (due to natural forces) and the asteroid belt that separated the original boundary between solar planets and void-based planets.


These planetoids were structures that didn't rotate around either the sun or the void, instead, they made their rounds with the sun, around the gravitational center. These were partly planets and partly cosmic dust/water from the cosmic sea.


The biggest of these planetoids were Heaven and Hell, cliff-like, flat structures that floated at a higher and lower latitude than Earth, at a distance equivalent to 1/8th of the planet's size. Heaven was formed on top of the rotational center of the two planets while Hell was formed below it. 

The other 3 worlds, (Abyss, Pandemonium, and Nibiru) were scattered in the Inner Ring, with lots of different moons as well. These 3 smaller planetoids occupied the latitudes between Earth and Heaven/Hell respectively. Heaven housed the Divinities, Demigods, and the Celestials. Hell housed the Devils, Fiends, and Demons. Gods and Demons ruled over their respective domains, inside the Seven Heavens and the Burning Hells.


Seven Heavens were a series of Celestial Realms connected together with “Halos” or Divine Rings, as they were called. The Creation of these Heavens took place because of the culmination of the positive energy mixing of the Gods. It consists of all the good aligned gods, angels, archangels, celestial beings and the souls of the followers of these deities. Its formation was detailed in the Creation Myth, which is different from the folk tales of all different religions.

The Highest Level of the Heavens (The Seventh Heaven) was occupied by the Mysterious “Eternals”, the oldest and the most potent divinities. Apart from the Gods, Celestials, Mysterious traces of Eternal Life, Ancestors of the Fey and several other divine beings occupied the lower rungs of the Heavens. The Structure of the Heavens was conical in Structure broadly, (irrespective of the spacetime distance between them), with as you go up, you go into the realms of the greater deities. The Gods of all the races were a part of the Heavens but lived in realms separated by time, space, and reality. Each God’s realm was vast, full of unexplored mysteries, and customized according to the virtues and nature of the deity inside it.


Heaven was composed of 7 layers, with a total of 28 separate realms. At the top, the Deities housed their two precious prizes, the Nectar of the Gods (Cosmic dust mixed with the blood of the Cosmicians) and the Osphyric Sphere (a fragment of the star Arionus), the source of the energies that powered Heaven itself. Both of these things housed the power of the sun and the water of the Cosmic sea, in its purest form.


Similarly, Hell was formed out of the hate and negative energies of the Devilish beings. While the Heavens were of a conical shape, Hells were of the Funnel, Reverse conical shape, described by the ancient sages as a "downward-facing cone". Instead of 7, Hells had 9 different layers (or Levels) with the biggest and the emptiest dominions at the top and the vilest and most powerful ones at the bottom, where Hell treasured the Blight Pool (blood of Aliens, Parasite mixed with Cosmic dust) and the Melzutlyon, an Orb of Vile, Infernal energy. Each layer had vast cosmic space divided into the homes of several different devils. It was said that the Hells were unmapped and never-ending, and if someone had to traverse it, he would be wandering around in torment for eternity. 


There were several other fringe planes of existence where the “other” children of the Ancients dwelt. Nibiru, Abyss, and Pandemonium housed the Primordials, the firstborns of the Cosmicians. Foremost of them was the Black Void called “Abyss”. Thought to be a plane of madness, it housed the dreaded "Shadaue”. Shadaue were a race of unnatural living beings that caused terror and despair by their mere presence. The Abyss was closed to most other realms by the virtue of the process through which it came into existence. A vortex of eldritch energies blocked the path of any space-faring or astral traveller, who even came near these macabre realms.


Another such realm was called “The Pandemonium”. The Realm is a shifty wasteland of tricks, sand and illusions. One of the places where lunatics and mad souls come after death. There is no escape apart from becoming one with the land, in which attempt, souls are usually showed the way in a deceptive manner. This plane of existence was an anomaly in cosmology. Its air itself had confusion, anxiety, and uncertainty. The Inhabitants of this realm were the “Chromatic Dragons & Elemental Gods”, another one of powerful and unpredictable children that came out of the Cosmicians. One strange fact about this place was that it a gas cluster instead of a solid planet. People literally traveled on “air” while in this strange realm. 


Forerunners were the first race to fornicate with the Greys and thus were born the Primordials. However, the Greys weren't totally adapted to this dimension, hence the Primordials were formed with certain peculiar characteristics. The Secondborn Divinities and their dark equivalents, the Devils were far more ambitious and energetic. Primordials spent most of their time building things in their pristine habitats.

The Penumbrians were formed with a distinct hatred of open spaces and cosmic rays, and thus they relegated to the insides of the various planets. In the time of the gods, they were present in the cores, and mantles of the two planets that were left.

The Yugoloths were pushed to the other dimension, i.e. beyond the veil from whence they couldn't return, just after the First Cataclysm.


The Different Dimension and the portals to them also became very significant in this age. The "Other Dimension" or the "Fade" was present in the same system but it occupied the empty places of electrons/quarks when they were in a specific place. An electron can be in one place at an instant and it is always moving. So the other (polar opposite to being precise) location of the electron, formed another world altogether that existed in the same place, but was not visible to the naked eye because it would drive other people insane. Thus, a veil or a Fade was erected between the two dimensions by powerful Cosmic Mages (Primarily Forerunner/Precursor) to separate the two worlds (despite being at the same place). The Veil was put in place, only days before the destruction of the FE. (First Event). Inside Fade, thought could shape reality and thus magic was not very novel or useful. Psychic powers were far more powerful. 

The Divinities began their ascent to power by first conquering their mighty residences (product of Cosmic ingenuity). With time, the gods used up the power sources to fight countless battles for supremacy of the many moons, astral sea (the ether around the inner ring) in the Arionus system. With time, their power sources became dim and they were not able to expand out much. The Other 3 root races were anyways not very active since they lacked the mighty energy sources and could use the relatively unsophisticated methods of their own making to harness the cosmic power. Then as the Sin War thinned, the Gods and Devils both began to think of vast resources and many secrets on the two planets to increase their power and end the Sin War once and for all.


However, they were unable to penetrate the cover of the Greys, Then, they began reproducing amongst themselves through the method of the Greys and created the Creator Races. Creator Races were born through essence, a viscous liquid produced by the union of the Divinities, which was later encapsulated into Time Capsules and sent into the two Planets as an experimental initiative. Since the Capsules weren't life or death but an intermediate form, it fooled the Cover of the Towers. Unbeknownst to the Divinities, the Primordials and the Penumbrians (the Firstborn) also sent their capsules into both the planets.

The resultant set of beings, the “Creator Races” were a fine mix of mundane, grey and divine elements. These were also known as the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. With the creation of these races, the power of the divine beings lessened to a great degree. This gave the Creator races the opportunity to develop and evolve on their own. These were the beings from whom descended the present creatures & were the rulers of the planet at that time. Their rulers, warlords, scholars, magicians, wizards, priests and builders had created many wondrous places, artefacts, tomes, libraries, monuments and empires. 

Soon, Creators enveloped and expanded their civilizations inside the two massive planets. The Children of the Firstborn were eradicated from the First Planet by the Creator Races while they, in turn, defeated the Creator Races from the Second Planet. Gods and Devils though made sure that the creators worshipped them and not anyone else so that through worship and later through physical transfers, the Creators would channel the secrets and energy sources of the two virgin planets to their respective deities. Certain ancient wizards had devised spells to transfer materials in and out of far reaching realms. Some priests had devised chants to call upon even the mightiest angelic/demonic beings to their bidding.

Initially, everything went on as planned, the Creators, grew powerful, worshipped the Gods, and created massive civilizations, that even contacted the other Root planes. Eventually, the Gods were called in, grew powerful, and restarted the Sin War on an epic scale.

Apart from the Creators and The Children of the Firstborn, another sentient race called "Grandilons" came into existence from the dormant capsule left by the Greys while they were building the Towers. These Grandilons were brooding, inscrutable and impassionate, resembling their ancestors, the Greys.

The battles took place everywhere, including the two planets. This time was called the Time of Troubles, where the most powerful artifacts were forged since the time of the Cosmicians.

Eventually, after a particularly vicious battle, called the "The Third Trimarch", Heavens and Hells were pushed away from the twin material planets. Most of the Creator Civilization was ruined and the Grey Protective shield was auto-activated. Many Gods also died and their energies were scattered through the lands. The remaining Gods absorbed fractions of it to become more powerful versions of themselves. The remaining Creators used their final energies to create the last sentient race on the planet, the Mortals. The beings who lived and died. And mortals had the largest portion of Grey physiology/blood till now. The Creators even though waning, were very powerful and glitzy to the mortals, who considered them Gods. As the time of this epoch neared its end, the Mortals were "seeded" by the Creators, to create more powerful but still mundane races called the "Humanoids". They consisted of Elves, Humans, Dwarves, Orcs, Goblins, Elemental Races, Beastoids, Reptilians, etc. In their experimentation with the soul/DNA of mortals, they inadvertently laid the seeds of the evolution of the generations of modern human and other humanoid races. It was due to their efforts that the first embryos were formed on Earth and later got filled with the soul bombs sent in by the Divnities/Creators.


Eventually, the creation of the mortals and the waning of the Creators coincided with the second interaction of the Cosmic Sea with the Arionus System. The last age ended with a global storm followed by a massive volcanic eruption which wiped out all life on the 2nd planet but the last few remaining creators hurled themselves into a final spell of doom but saved the humanoids and mortals through suffering the violence of the eruption and the storm themselves.

Retrospectively, the fall of the Creator Civilization puzzled and saddened many Mortal Scholars in the Pre Flood Era. It was going well yet, it all collapsed due to some events which had their origins in the jealousy, petty hatred and lust for power of the angels, ancients and demons respectively. Some call it sin, some name it destiny while some say that it was the treachery of the celestial beings which did not allow the planetoid’s creatures to be saved. Some even blame shadowy entities of the Fade. The exact means of the fall is also unclear. Legends spring where facts lessen. The truth is lost in the midst of time…….

Thus ended the 2nd epoch, and began the Age of Mortals, in the full-fledged boom.


                                                                      The Concept of Souls and Creation of Mortals


Life and Death amongst the Cosmic and Root races were very different than in Mortals. The Cosmic Races not only bred asexually but also were indestructible, as matter itself. To depower a Cosmic humanoid, you had to convert the energy associated with a Cosmic individual to a different type of energy altogether. For example, if a Cosmic humanoid, say a Forerunner, had to be de-powered, one had to convert its energy into either void energy or neutron energy.

Root Races were created by Grey's reproductive sexual physiology, adopted by the Cosmic Races. However, when Root Races tried to mate through the same, they were only able to produce "Essence". This Essence was used in the creation of "Creator Races" later on. Suffice to say, no new Gods or Celestials or demigods (with their dark equivalents) were produced after the Time of the Cosmicians.

The Particles of a Root Race's individual, after dismembering, didn't join on their own if kept apart. They had to be brought together in order for them to be joining again. More powerful the Divinity, the easier it was for its parts to wedge back together.

Sometimes you had to keep its constituents in special containment zones (some parts in the deep freeze, while others in constant heat for eg).

The essence was a glowing, translucent, shining otherworldly material that contained the DNA and the Soul properties of an individual. It was the lifeblood of the Creator Races. The Creator Elders were born directly of the Divinities and housed the Essence in its purest form (out of the fusion of two Divinities, no matter the rank). The Divinities reclaimed their lost essence through the lost Nectar and finally stopped after a point when the Nectar levels got dangerously low. Thus were born the Creator Elders, who further propagated the Creator Race.

As members of the Creator Races began reproducing, they began to suffer "Essence Leaks". The further Creators who got created were weaker, generation by generation compared to the Elders. These Creators started accumulating mundane materials like silica, carbon and oxygen etc.

Another point was that when the Creators died, their essences got either lost in the atmosphere and the environment or was stored by careful Creators into specially created phylacteries. These vials were then sent to the Divine Realm where Essences were stored in a Massive Storehouse. There, the Gods and Creator Elders performed many delicate operations on the Essence and were eventually able to cleave it into DNA and Soul. DNA was the programming of eventual physical and mental capabilities while Soul determined the actions, personality and intricacies of the decisions we make in our lives. Souls were stored in the mystical "Soul Forge", and kept safe for the creation of humanity.

Eventually, when the seeding of humanity took place, the seemingly last surviving Creators (Creator Elders and a few powerful Creators) exploded several soul bombs into the earth to produce sentient beings. Some of them even went to the humanoid tribes and helped them create vast empires, advanced civilizations and powerful artefacts. Though powerful from a mortal point of view, these empires were a pale reflection of the true glory of the Creators in their prime. Certain mysterious beings also lived amongst humans and other humanoids disguised variously as prophets, avatars, high priests, priest-kings and pharaohs etc.

Souls will be created from Leftover creator essence by Rooticians and then it will mysteriously be transferred to a soul forge, in a limbo (doubly veiled) plane alternating between this and the parallel dimension. There, some guardians (tremendously weakened cosmicians) will watch over them. 
Person's actions will determine which rootician plane their soul goes to. It will be over many lifetimes, that their soul will pass the conditions set out by the respective rooticians. And the soul has to perform ins a similar direction over many lifetimes to attain the goal. Alternative means of getting through is meditation which requires fewer lifetimes. This does cause slight imbalances in the vault of souls but it happens tremendously rarely.

The souls which attain nirvana or moksha, become weak versions of creators in their respective rootician plane and sometimes do get born on earth as an awakened mortal. They help in slowly producing the essence to produce more souls and or help their respective detities in their enigmatic goals on Earth.


                                                                                             The Age of the Mortals [Dvapar & Kali Yugas]


The beginnings of the Age of Mortals are vague in the mists of time. The Mortal Period was divided into two major parts: - Pre Flood Period & the Post Flood Period. Pre Flood Era saw a comparatively more involvement of the Creators while the post-flood era closely resembled our own history. Pre Flood Era, also known as the "Dvapar Yuga" was a time when Creators accelerated the natural evolution of Humans and civilized them in ways of farming, architecture, war, statesmanship, academics and magic in a very short span of time. Post Flood Era or "Kali Yuga" had mortals learning from scratch but having useful clues scattered all over the planet.


In the beginning of this era, the different realms were created as the varied extra-planar races occupied the different corners of the planet earth. These were the firstborn's spawn, weakened minor yugoloth stragglers and the dormant parastic spawn., 


It was mostly stationed on Earth. The main features of this planet are as follows :- 1. It cannot be melded by thought power. 2. Magic winds are very rare in its natural habitat. Opportunity and Destiny play a major role in shaping its existence than thought or magic. 


A few remaining Creators went into a state of transcendental dormancy after the splurge of power they incurred that led to the creation and protection of humanity's last seeds during the events of the Third Trimarch. When Mortals evolved into creating basic tribes on their own, the Creators awakened from their slumber and aided the Humans and other mortals into creating complex civilizations starting with the discovery of fire. Then feeling overwhelmed with the task, they went again into hiding after putting the spark of ambition and curiosity into the humans and went back into slumber.

Creators were remebmbered by Mortals as the heroes of old, the greatest magicians, inventors, scholars, conquerors and statesmen amongst the mortals. Empowered by them, they created vast empires, magical artifacts and impressive monuments, whose traces were left all over the world.

After thousands of years, when Humans had pinnacled the best of their civilizations, Creators rejoined them and literally fused themselves into specific royal bloodlines of the mortals and helped created the magical Tier 0 Mammoth Civilizations. Humanity and some other Mortals experienced magic for the first time and broke many barriers in magical and natural science development. However, as with everything, whatever rises, falls as well. Mortals fell into decadence and petty squabbles, religious differences as well as ethnic supremacism turned into particularly vicious battles. Devilish races slowly began overpowering their good and neutral neighbours. In this dire age, a group of mortals deactivated the Seven Towers and allowed divinities to come in who soon equalled the balance between good and evil. However, the battles this time involving Gods and Devils weren't too brutal as the Divinities had lost quite a lot of their power since the Rootician Age. After battling each other for many hundreds of years, there was a Cosmic anomaly in the skies, known in the ancient lore as "The  Dimensional Luminescence" or the "Curse of the Night Spark". This was taken as a sign of impending danger by the Gods/Devils and they quickly bolted after which the Seven Towers were mysteriously reactivated and the Planet was shutoff. Soon the planet swarmed with massive armies of dark and terrible creatures from four different directions and enveloping the land. Both Good and Evil fought side by side to save their existence from these predatory creatures but they were slowly overrun. During this valorous last stand, some royals, prophets and other divinely inspired preachers from all races were insinuated by their respective divinities to put a large majority of their race's beings, plants, animals & knowledge into massive boats to save themselves from an incoming flood. This was a desperate gamble by the Divinities to save the last remnants of life on Earth from these inexorable predatory invaders. The flood was ruthless, long and destructive and wiped out all life from the planet leaving ruins and the few boats as the survivors. After the deluge ended, Mortals began rebuilding again, with a virility, energy and enthusiasm unmatched amongst all life. One important landmark of the Deluge was that the mortal races were divided into various sub-races after this to weaken their power and lessening the Rootician threat to Earth as well as their ambitions to reach the Heavens.

Humanoids began moving out of their cocoons and exploring the world. They began building villages, herding animals, farming and craftsmanship. Slowly they started coalescing into towns and then began the great march of mighty civilizations. The Mortals were left with some remnants of the past ages like the old artefacts, legends of the gods, superhumans, destruction of fire and brimstone, the deluge, the fallen angels, the cosmic thunder, the massive battles, and hope for a better future. These things undoubtedly spurred them onto the goal of creating civilizations and archaeology. ​Magic was rediscovered, humanity saw the flight of the dragons, went on long voyages to discovered long lost secrets of ancient civilizations and discover unknown lands, all the while improving their civilizations, battling each other for petty reasons and fending off massive invasions of four calamities. Just after a few hundred years of the deluge, several ominous prophecies were also made which spoke of ancient evils and betrayal, the fulfilment of which is happening in the current age.


                                                                                                Calamities of Arionus


Calamities here refers to apocalyptic attacks on the races of the Arionus, discounting the inter-racial or inter-state rivalries amongst the sentient races. Calamities also exclude the natural disasters or divinely inspired attacks which don't have beings to fight.

1. The Parasitic Flood from the Oceans and Seas (Accidental Descendants of the Original Parasites) [Deep Sea Layers; Cthulhu Overlords]

2. The Undead Legions from the Buried Fossils of Long Lost Empires (Certain Death Giving Primodials Magic) [Fossilized Remains of Dead Folk; Non-Sentient or Animated]

[Animated:- Magical Energy; Sentient:- Long-dead race of Undead; Unnatural:- stray souls or fragments of souls inside a husk or vessel]

3. The Corrupted Hordes from the Depths of the Earth (Penumbrians) [ Infected Humanoids, Bred from Horrifying Creatures in the Deepest Recesses ]. Darkspawn were essentially of every type (Ghouls of Undead, Crawlers from Underground, Ravenous of the Other Dimension and Cancroids of the Sea.

4. The Daemons of Chaos, from the Warped Realities of the Trans Dimension. (Yugoloths & Warped Ones, Hallucinating &Terrifying, Incomprehensible to the Mind)

The Middle parts of the Planet and the areas that were beyond the Apex Predator Line had calamitous circumstances that prevented mass populations here. Hence population as concetratedin islands above, northeast landmass, southern marshes, and western continent.

Vamana had underground thaigs like Dragon Age Dwarves , who were not infested by animals, monsters, darkspawn, undead and penumbrian descandants .


The Four sins of Antiquity:-

First Sin: - Creator Races, got too ambitious and trying to enter Heaven via Fade. Accidentally alarm the Alarm Systems kept by the Mighty Gods themselves and got thrown out. This weakened the Fade enough to cause the Cataclysicm of the Third Trimarch where Yugoloths entered the realm. The greatest magicians/priests/military men were cast down after this and they became corrupted, the first of the Darkspawn. 

Secod Sin: - Pre Flood Era Mortal tried to unearth the secrets forbidden from mortal eyes by the Ancients, in the deepest recesses of the Sea. They tried to open vaults forever shielded from humanity's eyes and inadvertently awakened the weakened parasites.

Third Sin: - Pre Flood Era Mortals tried to beat mortality, by combining animancy, necromancy, sorcery and occult magic. Result, the distortion of the reality structure (magic and naturla laws) for a short period of time leading to the blowing of horn of the dead by its ancient guardians and rise of the undead.

Fourth Sin:- Pre Flood Era Mortals tried to discover the paths to the 2nd planet and try to break through the Grey barrier to it, sidestep Gods to reach for the ultimate power.  This time, instead of Fade, they tried to open up the portals underground (which led to netherworlds unknown) which led to the activation of the alarm of the Devourers, which eventually engulfted the entire world to the menace of the Darkspawn                                                                                               

                                                                                                 Nations of Arionus


Mortal Age (Pre-Flood) :- 1) Cradles of Birth 2) Settlements & Villages 3) City States & Kingdoms 4) Tier 0 Civilizations

Mortal Age (Post-Flood):- 1) Landing from Ships/Coming out of Hiding Places 2) Consolidated Kingdoms 3) First Major Calamity 4) Massive Natural Disaster 5) Second Major Calamity 6) Natural Calamity


                                                                                                Heavens of Arionus


Heavens or "The Seven Heavens" as it is called, is an upward-facing cone with seven levels. Seventh Heaven is the biggest, housing the largest number of deities (7) which progressively decrease as we go up. The topmost part of Heaven has the nectar of the gods. Below, is the elaboration of the parts of Heaven:















Each Heaven is isolated from each other through impenetrable mists but Deities and their lesser born kin can interact with each other if desired, through mystical artefacts known as "Psi-Stones" which allow the creation of safe zones. The Ruling Council of the Gods is formed in one such safe zone. In terms of power, the status is unknown as the Realms of the Gods were fashioned by the Creators, but there is a general decrease in power in the lower levels. Each Deity has a specific personality and their favourite species, class and individuals. Deities benefit greatly from humanoid worship and thus give great stress to the evangelization of their cults and religions on earth. Deities also sometimes purposefully mislead their followers and we have several different groups worshipping the same deity in different forms. What differentiates them from Devils is that whatever personality they may harbour, their ultimate aim is the enrichment of Earth and the propagation of a broad set of defined values and an increase in Humanoid Happiness.


                                                                                                                 Hells of Arionus













Hells or The Burning Hells as they are called in Common, are divided into 9 different layers, each with a specific ambiance and under the overlordship of a specific Devil. Devils rule the Hells with an iron hand, deception and constant brainwashing. They also benefit from cults worshipping them and thus do subterfuge, black magic, and other tricks to gain worshippers in the mortal world.


  Individual Powers


Genetics/Soul/Skill Training/Physical Capability

Physical Capability (Genetics) [Food and other magical effects will change a person, but the rate of change and the maxing will happen according to dna]

Strength/Endurance/Dexterity/Agility/Intelligence/Magical Capability/Magical Affinity/Spiritual Strength                               

Wisdom/Charisma/​​Luck/Focus/Spiritual Powers Diversity

(Skill Training)

Weaponry/Magical Energy/Machines/Spiritual Power Manifestation (Prana/Qi)


Lineages [Most Earthy Elements; More Grey Element; More Demonic/Divine Element; More Primordial]

Strength [Lifting, Stamina, Hardness, Speed] ; [Weapon Handling, Attack Speed, Damage, Athletics Skill Applications, Armour Wearing Capability, Elemental Endurance, Damage Reduction, Combat Speed]

Dexterity[Agility, Finesse, Coordination, Reflex] ; [Handling of complicated weapons, Weapon speed, handling mechanical machines, opening locks, disarming traps, climbing walls, dodging attacks, stealth]

Intellect [Depth, Intuition, Logic Speed, Memory, Wisdom] ; [understanding scrolls, casting complicated spells, pattern matching, dialogue options (finding discrepancies), increased lore/knowledge, repairing machines, setting up traps, crafting stuff, understanding battle tactics, using diverse knowledge sources at once, spiritual dialogue options]

Endurance [Fortitude, Elemental Resistance, Willpower, Durability] ; [resisting physical debilitations, damage reduction from natural and magical effects, stamina, resisting psychological pressure, not being affected by injuries or loss of loved ones, surviving for a longer time without food]

Courage [Daring, Nerve, Extroversion, Risk Taking] ; [less debilitating effects from scary situations like paranormal or heights/underwater, less effect of blood/gore, lie more convincingly, not flinching when damaging friends, more likely to invest in ventures/businesses]

Magical Affinity [Physical, Mental, Aptitude, Spiritual] 

Piety [Fanaticism, Faith, Clarity] ; [Unbendingness, Manipulated realizations of knowledge, mental strength, stronger focus, more magical and natural world's intuition] 


 Magic of Arionus


Magic is one of the most important constituents of this fantasy universe. One major difference between Arionus & other fantasy universes like Forgotten Realms, Middle Earth, Eora, and others is that I have tried to incorporate every possible lead into my universe and also tried to give reasons as to what was the need of this specific universe.

Magic is divided broadly into divine, demonic, arcanum, manna, warp & entropy. Divine refers to the magic created by the Gods, Demonic refers to the magic created by the Fiends, Arcane refers to the magic created by the Grandilons, Warp is Chaos Gods/Yugoloths Magic & Entropy refers to the magic created by the Primordials. Firstly, the magic will be divided by the Pools of Power (from where it is sourced), Secondly, it will be divided by the Storage of the raw magical power in portable devices and lastly, it will be divided by magical usage techniques.

Fundamentally, Magic consists of two very basic parts: - Energy, Mechanics, (which govern the use of that energy), and Element (which carries that energy).​ Magical Energy is a slightly converted form of normal energy called "magical energy'. It can be derived from 3 types (explained below) like any other energy. 

Mechanics of the spell comes from instructions written in an ancient language called "Shunyk", the language of the Rooticians. This language was invented by the Rooticians to fundamentally alter the magic of their predecessors, the Cosmicians who used a large part of Cosmic water in their spells, making their spells much more powerful but also expending the supply of cosmic Water much quicker than required. Rootician language was created so that after fashioning the instructions of the spell, the Cosmic Water expended was regained slowly and not used at all in the channeling of the energy and the projection of the force.  

Apart from magic, natural laws were also controlled by Science, which was limited by the Gods, in the intellect of mortals (not creators) and originated in Cosmicians. Grey blood incited the curiosity to discover more about this.


The Mortal Magician who sang the spell did so in three parts: -


1) Learning & Understanding the Instructions of the Spell (the Mechanics) from the core parts of his/her intellect. 

2) Channeling the Energy required for the Spell from the Specified Source [Storage Column below)

3) Calling upon a particular Element to do the bidding of the Ancient Language


Magic Types


Law of the Ancients:- Created through Cosmic Water (To manipulate the natural world without following natural laws)

Language of the Ancients:- Shyunk (Realized by Rooticians); Very complicated and difficult

Dialects of the Ancients:- Entropic; Divine; Demonic; Arcanum, Manna & Warp (Each for the respective type of Rootician)

Mechanics of Spells:- Instructions of say, Fireball spell


Understandings of a Magician

1) Basic Intuitive Understand of the Mechanics [Uncontrolled, weak spell]

2) Clear Understanding the Mechanics [Controlled spell]

3) Comprehensive Understanding of the Mechanics [Customized, Strong Spell]

4) Faint Understanding the Grammar of the Language [Can Create Basic Spells of different Elements]

5) Expertise in the Grammar of the Language [Can Create Variety of Spells of most Elements]

6) Little Understanding of the Law itself [Can create spells of different kinds of energies]

7) Perfect Understanding of the Law [Can create multiple languages and mechanics systems to further create spells] 


Pools of Power                                                                         Storage                                                                                         Magic Techniques                                                                 Magic Capability-Affinity


Nectar of Heaven [Light Weave; Godly Transfusion]            Life Essence (Purest), Blood (Most Mixed), Souls                    Spells [Words, Ancient Language Derivatives, Chants]    Genetics/Bloodline

Blight-Pools of Hell [Hellfire Flares, Demonic Transfusion]  Concentrated Star Power (Solar, Meteorite Material, Plants) Hand Movements, Gestures, Silent Chanting                    Soul

Manna of Nature (Penumbrians)                                             Books, Tomes, Scrolls, Scribes, Runes                                      Rituals, Superstitions, Incantations, Invocations                Magical Training

Entropy of Primordials [Shadow Weave is specific to Shades]Winds of Magic [Soul is most basic energy source, limited too]    Thoughts [Masters, Archmages]                                         Divine Inspiration

Warp of Chaos Gods/Yugoloths [Not bound by Earth]        Objects (Staffs, Wands, Sceptres, Weapons, Models)             Qi Prana Power [Not Magic, Everyone can Use]               Temporary Infusion (Spell/Artifact)

Arcanum of Grandilons                                                           Crystalline Gems (Lyrium, Precious Stones, Azurelith, etc)       Willing (appealing) Totems, Statues,  Artifacts                 


Nectar produces Celestial Energy

Blight Pools are called Effluvial Pools

Ambrosia of Primordials produce Entropic Energy

Soul has a fixed energy for magic; Qi/Prana power takes in the latent energy and converts it intoa  different form. Original soul energy (fixed) is the manna bar






Light Bone/Bone/Heavy Bone/Reinforced Bone/Dragonbone


Swamp Poison/Rock Poison/Sewage Poison/Fungus Poison



Gemstones[Sapphire, Topaz, Emerald, Ruby, Diamond, Amethyst, Onyx]/Azureliths/Lyrium[Blue, Red, Black]/Gravionum/Lutos


Fire/Banefire/Hellfire/Cosmic Fire/Chaos Fire/Divinium


Applications of Magic   


Destruction/Control/Transmute/Conjure/Protect/Buff/Debuff/Cancellation/Sense/Illusory/Mental Invasion/Soul-Distortion  :- Functionality of Spells

Elementalist - Sorcerer - Enchanter - Conjurer - Wizard - Magician - Archmage - Warlock - Demonologist - Druid - Shaman - Necromancer - Cipher - Sage

Elemental Magic - Sorcery - Enchantment - Transmutation - Summoning - Abjuration - Illusion - Binding - Nature Magic - Totemism - Necromancy - Cerebalism - Occult                                                       

Cantrips - Charm/Curse - Hexes - Spell - ​Herald/Dictum - Edict [Magnitude of Spell's Force, Complexity of Spell's Mechanics; Purity of Ancient Language Used; Duration of Effects; Magical Energy Cost]


Teachers of Magic


Occult Mages - Hedge Witches - Secret Cabals - Tribe Shamen - Priests and Druids - Magical Institue's Orderlies




Types: -Neutron Energy [Alters Spacetime]; Solar Energy [Warms Molecules]; Void Energy [Constricts Molecules[; Cosmic Water [Uncertain "Quantum" Effects]; Advanced Energy [Nectar, Blight etc]

Versions: - Pure Energy, Concentrated Energy, Dissipated Energy, Magical Energy, Normal Energy

Damage Types: - Psionic, Elemental, Physical


Spell Formation

1. Sourced from a particular type of an Advanced Energy. Cosmic Water through techniques (thoughts etc) writes the mechanics of the spell and the Energy provides the magnitude lifeblood. 

2. Manipulates a particular element to perform the task which was intended.


Mental Effects

​Trance,  Peace/Contentment, Turmoil/Agitation, Ecstasy, 

Happiness Causes (Mortals)

Exertion Based, Achievement Based, Rhythm Based, Drug Based, Social Based, Meditation Based, Divine Inspiration Based, Anticipation Based, Curiosity


Happiness Causes (Creators, Rooticians and Cosmicians)

Advanced Energy Consumption, Ambrosiacs, Quantum/Higher Curiosity




Lesser, Minor, Typical, Major, Sacred, Esoteric, Legendary, Titanic, Mythical, Sentient, Divine, Multi-Dimensional, Cosmic, Eternal


Causes of Conflict


Personal Power, Lordship, Happiness, 


Genetic Anomaly Tasks [Amongst Humans, Amongst other races, can be normal]


Soul Watcher; Rift Breacher; Un-Agers; Prophets; Advanced Psychics;  Brain/Lifeforce Consumers; Magically Immune; Faster Reaction Time (Any Normal Trait); Understanding Ancient Language Inherently; Natural Scrying; Unpredictable Magical Aura; Extraordinary Luck; Fade Walkers; Conscious Dreamers; Memory Relivers/Distorters/Enhancers/Creators, Awakened [content, know the purpose of their soul, know the limits of their achievments]


Genetic Anamoly Reasons


Elder Blood; Divine Inspiration; Magical Anamoly Effect (Being Present Near it); Cursed/Booned Bloodlines; Extraordinary Penance/Training/Diet; 


Research Areas


Magic, Alchemy, Mechanics, Mineral Chemistry, Alloyism, Animal Behavior, Medicalism, Herbalism


Military Orders


Parasite Battlers; Daemon Combatants; Wardens; Mage Hunters; Psychic Guardians


Non-Race Beings


Sentient Wildlife, Infusion of Soul Parts into Vegetation/Armours/Animats/Golems/Husks/Carcasses/Bones, Infusion of Simplistic Life into the Vessels through Magic (Artifical Life)

                                                                                                          The Story of the Towers and the Cults


The 7 Towers or the "Keepers of the Secrets of the Ancients" are one of the most integral power structures in the lore of the "Legacy of the Ancients" trilogy. They were built somewhere between the years -53,500 & -53,200. The material used to build these was "Dashniscium", pearly white luminescent material with the strength of dragon bone, that they brought from Klumniox Galaxy, The towers were around 460 feet tall, built in a conical fashion with 22 floors jutting out. The Gems were hidden inside, with each gem being somewhere different and clues leading to it scattered all over the place. Apart from the gems, the Towers also housed incredibly powerful machines, magical artifacts, and undecipherable writing to house many ancient secrets, untainted with time. They were hidden by a powerful mist called the "Death Vapors", which not only shielded the Towers from prying eyes but also extinguished the many monstrosities trying to magically scry or pierce the vapor.


The Gems of power were 7 in number and had a set of faux cousins called "Shadow Gems" built in the Rootician Era by the Grandilons. That was done to avoid one side gaining absolute supremacy over the planet in case they figured out the locations of the 7 gems. The crystals, however, had one special property, they could not be stolen together. The second group (shade gems) only appeared after the first one was taken away from its place and so on. There was also an elaborate ritual and puzzles to actually remove it from its house. The clues of the first ones were given to them by the aliens who could actually sense the crystal. To our heroes, however, the clues were pieced together by a lot of broken papers and rumors.


Grandilons were the direct though weaker descendants of the Greys and created a cult to carry on Grey's mission in this chaotic, Rootician era.


The Gems were used to activate 4 separate controls inside the Tower.


First was to remove the physical barrier from the atmosphere to allow physical entry of materials or beings inside the planet.


Second was to negate the astral projection or teleportation inside the planet from various planes.


Third was removing the energy barrier holding ancient evil forces at bay (deepest reaches of the sea, murky caverns & depths near the mantle of the earth, mass graveyards buried under ice and mud ). These forces were controlled by the forgotten Rooticians, the ancient Primordials, ravenous Penumbrians, and shadowy Yugoloths. It was added later, by the Grandilons, at the end of the Rootician age.


Fourth was the scariest and most difficult to unlock. It had the power to temporarily sever the veil, a Fade-like cover instituted by the Greys in the entire solar system to protect Arionus from the power of the Chaos Gods.

There was an additional side lever that released a vast amount of destructive lasers and static charge clouds to either force or extinguishes powerful life forms. It could be used together with any other lever.


Apart from these reversible controls, a few secretive Grandilons also constructed 4 powerful Seals to permanently sever the shields holding the Primal evil at bay. The 4th one of these seals although could only affect the permanent piercing of the veil at certain sensitive locations on earth. It was nowhere near as powerful as the 4th lever of the Tower, but its effect was permanent. Although it was unclear what those few Grandilon's intentions were when they did this, the remaining Grandilons quickly hid these seals under powerful magic and creatures. They were lost in the mists of time & most folks never even knew about it.


The Activation & Deactivation of the Towers are listed chronologically below: -


1) Activation at the End of the Cosmic Era. By Greys. To save the 2nd & 3rd planet as well as the fledgling Rooticians &  from the Doomsday Event. The Towers energy was so incredibly powerful that it transmitted some shields to save Heaven & Hell from the cataclysm. Primordial Planetoids were too far away to actually be affected by the Doomsday Event. (Cosmic Period End)

2) Deactivation by the Creators in the middle of the second half of the Rootician Era to allow Divinities to walk the earth.

3) Reactivation by the Grandilons at the end of the Rootician Era to save the Planets from the Third Trimarch. It also pushed the Divinities away from the Planets. (Both First & Secondborn)

4) Deactivation by Creators at the middle of the Mortal Era to allow Gods to save the Good Races from destruction.

5) Partial  & Faulty Reactivation by shadowy cults to allow Earth to be invaded by the armies of the Ancients, at the end of the Dvapar Yuga.


The 7 Towers, were constructed in 7 different, powerful yet obscure locations of the planets. The only information available is of the Earth's 7 Towers rather than both planets. Their names are: -

1) Tower of Maltheism [ 4; Top of Mount Damavand; the center of Cacothesis; Dense Jungles]

2) Tower of Objectivity [ 3; Between Pillars of Ice in the Sacred Chamber of the Dead [Ancient Wilderness; Vast Icy Chamber]

3) Tower of Conviction [ 1; Between Lake Arbystra near Standerdam Village; Enchanted Mist]

4) Tower of Resolution [ 7; Between massive Pyramids; Lyrian Kingdom; hidden by a mirage ;]

5) Tower of Consciousness [ 2; Inside Emerald Mountain aka Mauna Kea; Secret Vault]

6) Tower of Time [ 6; Above the reptilian rainforests of Southern Swamps; Clouds]

7) Tower of Change [ 5;  Underground Chamber underneath Misty Isles; Smoke Blanket]



First Gem

The Silver Tower

Second Gem

The Cave of Barishka

Third Gem

The Temple of Ice

Fourth Gem

The Shadow Prison

Fifth GemThe Desert Mist

Sixth Gem

The Swamp Hole

Seventh GemThe Spider Pit

Eigth Gem aka Activator

Azure Mountain Peak Mirage


There are several cults in the magical world of Arionus, however, we would be discussing the ones that are relevant to the concept of Towers and the stories in the Legacy of the Ancients trilogy. One of the earliest cults was formed in Dissonant Era, while the Sin War was intensifying. It was called "The Communion of Obithiyu", taken from the name of a very wise Grey Grand Ascendant. This cult was started by the Grandilons, prolific but somewhat weaker descendants of the Greys. Built around the mysteriousness and the magnificence of the Towers, Its stated goal was to protect the Two Planets from the irresponsible acts of the Creator Races and the Mighty Rooticians. Grandilons believed that only the people descended from the Grey physiognomy had the self-restraint, maturity, and neutrality to hold of their passions and protect these planets. In Secrecy, they spread far & wide, enticing several powerful individuals from several races and ethnicities, whose sole goal was to learn the inner workings of the Towers and prevent their use by irresponsible groups & individuals.


However, after the Grandilons pushed the Rooticians away from the Planets during the Third Trimarch, the energies inadvertently tore the veil and allowed the Yugoloths to pour inside the Two Planets alongside the Chaos Gods armies. The Creators fought tooth and Nail with the Dimensional Invaders and even united but were no match for the countless numbers. Eventually, the shaken Rooticans were contacted by the Creators through worship and both agreed to dismantle the life system on two Planets by the eruption of several volcanoes and by initiating powerful electric storms. Creators with their last breath created the Mortals and gave their life in repairing the veil through which they attained peace at death and the salvation of the two Planets. Firstborn Divinities thought that it was an insult to their status and power to create a weaker race, thus forbade from creating Mortals and perished after vegetating the planet and sealing the Veil. Thus the Age of Mortals doesn't begin on the other planet. This action by the Grandilons caused their descendants to be hated and suppressed in Mortal Era and thus in Dvapar Yuga, the cults descended from Grandilons decided not to intervene in the fiasco of the Apocalypse. However, the terrible destruction caused by the Ancients and the Flood, caused them to rethink their actions in the Kali Yuga, whence our story starts. Also, the protagonists of our story are actually lesser recruits


Quite a few Parasites, actually sunk into the sea after the Cosmician Era and several Creator/Mortal cults started heralding for their return. These guys were sunk deep into the abyssal reaches and were mutated into weaker forms. They were held in a dreamless "trance" by the magic of the mighty Greys and the Towers were responsible for locking/unlocking that defense. After the terrifying destruction of the Rooticians in the Pre-Flood Era, Parasites began regular incursions onto Mortal lands in small numbers to destroy all life. Since the invasions mostly came from seas, they were called the "Flood".


Few other Ancient cults were heralding the return of the Primordials and Penumbrians on the first planet (despite being descended from Creators directly). Still, other cults were heralding for the return of the Chaos Gods and the Yugoloths, thereby tearing up the veil. Just before the Flood, the Grandilon inspired cults were actually able to sabotage the operations of all cults except for the Chaos Gods one, who did the mischief of the Apocalypse. However, their efforts went largely unrecognized and they soon descended into oblivion. The last major cult amongst all these was the dreaded cult of the Faceless, worshipping the Aliens. Aliens, one of the original four inhabitants of the Arionus system were thought to be destroyed after the mighty Doomsday Event. However, a significant minority of the Aliens went into hibernation beyond the outer planets. One group amongst them got detached from the pack and started roaming the space without any driving force. While they were 4.6 billion kilometers away, they began sending "tachyonic" sensory waves all around them to sense what's happening without actually seeing stuff (for fear of being detected). They traveled in warp drives, while housed in "Cosmic-eggs", space shuttles with advanced tech. However, since they were in dormancy and a weakened state altogether, they traveled much slower, at around 778 kilometers per hour. They sensed the energies of Earth for the first time in the year 22,162 (somewhere in the Aeon of Exploration, more about the timelines later) and after vichaar vimarsh, sent a coded, instructional message to the Earth's inhabitants who initially responded positively in the year 22,167. Approximately 5 years later (22,172) they started their descent towards Earth in their cosmic egg. They were destined to arrive in the year 22,847 (fulfilling one of the original prophecies in the pre-flood era). They also had the technology to move almost undetected.


This dreaded cult, which responded positively to the Mighty Alien Renegenades, began in the murky depths of Shadow Pool, an ancient birthing sprout of the Aberrations below the Black lake which housed the Azure Mountain itself. It was started by some of the ancient strigoi, a dreadful, carnivorous race of Mind Flayers, and soon took in Drow, Black Orcs, Snotlings, Blood Elves & Insectoids. In the 675 years that passed, this cult started spreading its tentacles like a venomous octopus amongst all nations and peoples of Earth. It had 4 major branches, dedicated to their own tasks: -

1) Disrupt & Weaken (Led by a twisted Alhoon; these were spies, alchemists & infiltrators who caused civil wars, anarchies, and other kinds of violence in the lands of the planet)

2) Convert & Assimilate (Led by a cunning Yuan-Ti, these were preachers, magicians, and doctors who brainwashed recruits and created specialized personnel to form elite troopers)

3) Scout & Gather (Led by a Dextrous Drow, these were rangers, woodsmen, mountaineers, and swimmers whose plan was to noiselessly gather intel on both the towers and the kingdoms)

4) Manufacture & Train. (Led by a mutated being (Goblin & Orc in one body, these were warriors, craftsmen, and generals, who were concerned with raising armies for the cause near Azure Mt)


Magical Vortexes, "The Other Side", Apex Predators


Beyond the waters of Endless Ocean and the Eternal Sea, there was the area of mystery. No one since the dawn of mankind had ever set foot in those ominous waters. No adventurer or creature was brave or skilled enough to cross those ominous waters. They were shielded by natural barriers, like mysterious whirlpools, ancient statues, apex predators, magical mists and carefully placed sea rocks. It was said that the remnant of the firstborn divinities (weakened) lived in these places alongside the yugoloths spawn who were trapped here. Just after the flood, many folk traveled to and from this other side though barely any had any memory of it or recorded it & since the sea levels receded, the barriers rose again. They were also chained here by Creators as additional protection to mortals.

Apex Predators were the animals and fishes from the Creator Era, who had somehow survived the two cataclysms and had mutated to become giant monsters, capable of challenging an entire nation. In general, the older the monster, the stronger they were. Cosmicians had completely different types of plants and animals though.

Magical Vortexes were created by powerful mages of the world during the world war (clash during the local maxima of civilizational power) to mend the veil that was torn due to the exceptional power source emission that took place. It was created near the poles (both) and helped keep the Chaos Dameons at bay.

Some of The Firstborn Divinities (Creator race equivalents of primordials, penumbrians and yugoloths) did survive in the mortal era and instead of creating mortals, they accelerated evolution of the plants and animals and insects whom they enslaved and lived a relatively peaceful life on the other planet.

Worship, Nectar, Power Levels & Necromancy


Worship was required by the Gods to sustain themselves in the cosmic realm. Even though the Gods had the Nectar, mortal worship provided them with power that traveled through a different form of astral projection and reached the Gods through a drive that altered between the two dimensions. Chaos Gods were always on the lookout for these precious pietician grains which empowered the Rooticians.

Necromancy was animating the dead through magic. There were 5 types of Necromancy, each more advanced than the other.

1) Isthdar al'arwah [Raw Magical Energy animating Corpses]

2) Mayajaal [Synthesized Magical Energy animating corpses and making them do complex actions]

3) Xiyobia [Soul Fragments in Corpses]

4) Scholomance [Entire Souls in Corpses]

5) Doresh el ha-metim [Sentient Race of Undead [Primordial Firstborn] called, again and again, to fight for the Glory of Primordials]

Timelines of Arionus


Pandemonium differed from the Other Dimension (Fade) in the regard;l- Both are changing, mad and crazy. But in Fade we can shape things by thoughts. Pandemonium is similar to a crazy level of Hell but not exactly the same.




PRophecies were methods of predicting the long term future, which even ascended masters were unable to do. Prophets appeared in every age, and their prophecies were usually fulfilled in their own age, sometimes in the next one or three or four ages hence. There has been many prophecies but the one that's one of the most recent and important for us, is the Prophecy of the Ancients. It runs like this: -


                        A Time of Great Despair will come, unto which the labours of the vile have accumulated

                        Rivers would carry flaeme, Mountains would tremble, Animals would run amok and Brother would stab Brother

                        The Dark Ones shall betray theiir fair kinsmen on the Eve of the Spring with No Solstices       

                         The Lake that cannot be seen will engulf the secrets of Time, Containing the Seed of Salvation

                        The Curse of the Ancestors will haunt the Feldglings, Blood will be repaid in Blood

                        The Hands of the Gods will be tied, the Children will fight alone

                         A Thousand year old promise has to be kept, The Blood of the Ancients will be the Key


 return of the old ones and the entire natural world would tremble! Rivers would carry flame, Storms would occur over cities, animals would run amok and people would fight amongst each other!

                        the dark ones shall betray their fair kinsmen on the eve of the spring with no solstices. 

                        that a thousand year old promise will have to be kept by the blood of the ancients.

the increasing

rebellions, agitation and monster raids all across the world. They also signs of disturbance in the natural phenomenon, from the fish of the lake to the

winds of magic. , everything had gone awry. There were signs everywhere, spirits from the higher dimensions speaking to them if they cared to listen. Those who wanted to see could see.

Azure Mountain


There is a Azure Mountain, in the centre of the Planet, surrounded by a mystical sea and an arcane shield that makes it invisible to everyone except the ancient creators. It is only visible every thousand years, and that too only if seven ancient towers are activated by the confluence of seven magical crystals, whose combined light gives the power to activate the towers, whose further light’s converge at the mountain and makes it visible. The mountain can be only entered by the ones who have touched the crystals or their shadow versions, the Shade Crystals. It only opened on certain auspicious days.


 Civilizational Tiers & SubTypes


Tier 0 civilizations are the oldest and most grand empires with the purest form of magic. Almost all of them either fell or got corrupted to primitive instincts & ideas. And all of them were started by the mighty Creators, the remnant ones who were left.

Tier 1 civilizations are the grand empires with an enviable history that can actually be traced. With usually a confluence of several races and a ruling party that isn't comprised of a single race, Tier 1 civilizations also have a pretty big size and a maritime/subterranean trade network as well. They were mostly created by charismatic individuals & industrious peoples with a unifying cause. 

Tier 2 Civs were the ethnically centred kingdoms, broken off Magocracies, fanatical theocracies and tribal fiefdoms ruled by clans. These civilizations were mostly descended from "purebred peoples" or "warlike & charismatic" individuals who broke off from bigger empires. They fill the basic bread & butter of the realms. 

Below these come the Tier 3 & 4, which are either small monarchies or republics which formed in unenvious and inhospitable regions by some sort of Religious Puritans or some magical/social/technical innovators who wanted to live lives without frustration and persecution.​

Humanity expanded wilfully through the basic road to civilization (experimentation) and sometimes following the clues left by the Creators. Eventually, humanoids developed in all parts of one planet while the other remained unexplored.


                                                                                                 Races of the Arionus


Note, before going into the complex network of Races inside my universe, let me give you an introduction to the terminology used here. Race category refers to the classification type of the racial order. Time Period is just an adjective that refers to the epoch of the greatest extent had by those races. Cosmic, Root & Elder Races are the long lost beings whose powers and reach are beyond the comprehension of mortals and possess no known sub-race or ethnic groups or religions. Sentient Mortals are the main branch, whom we will describe as the ones having the different subgroups. Also, each Sentient Mortal Race can be traced back to a particular Creator Race (although it's not shown below). Amongst the Non-Human Sentient Mortals, there is a sub-race after the race, while amongst the Human Races, the Race is further subdivided into ethnic groups rather than subraces. 




                                                                                         Timeline & Timescales of the Arionus


Cosmic Water used in fashioning spells/magic, creating weapons/space travel concepts, energy used and not coming back while cosmic water regrows slowly ; Cosmic water shortage ~ too much creation ; and in essence/soul creation too, 1/10000th part of cosmic water is used in creating 100 souls. It is like mass but different. It can be used in energy (which results in 10^7 times energy of the amount of cosmic water used) but rarely. Sin War between Gods/Devils stopped because of low advanced energy reserves (like electricity but different, is gotten from souls worshipping them). Advanced energy is formed from solar/biochemical/life force energy/soul worship energy etc.). Similarly for Devils. Gods go into hibernation on low advanced energy/cosmic water levels. 


                                                                                         Religions of the Arionus




Gods have to make love every day for blessings to shower on their followers.

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